Newell Brands
UX/UI Design
AB Testing

Checkout & AB Testing


Newell Brands


2021 Q1~Q4


Lead UX/UI Designer



This project is a pivotal component of the North Star program, dedicated to scaling a seamless and frictionless path-to-purchase customer experience (CX). Central to this endeavor is the optimization of the checkout process, recognized for its profound impact on business outcomes, alongside considerations for site speed, product discovery, and ease of use for members and enrolled users. This initiative encompasses a comprehensive overhaul of the entire checkout journey, spanning payment, account sign-in, and order confirmation. Subsequent to implementation, the effectiveness of these enhancements was rigorously validated through AB testing. Originally initiated by another designer, I assumed the role of lead UX designer upon his departure, ensuring the successful completion of all design efforts. The culmination of this initiative will see its deployment across all white-label and direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands within our purview, further enhancing the overall customer experience. Additionally, I've included supplementary key features for AB Testing to continually refine and optimize our CX strategies.

A Year of Innovation and $5.1M Anticipated Revenue Increase

This presentation encapsulates the journey of our digital technology team as we embarked on the Checkout Experience Project, a year-long endeavor dedicated to enhancing our digital ecosystem. Presented during our Digital Experience Town Hall, this project was a strategic initiative aimed at refining and optimizing the checkout process across our platforms.Through meticulous planning and execution, we anticipated a significant impact on our bottom line, projecting a revenue increase of $5.1 million from May through December 2023 alone. This achievement underscores the effectiveness of our checkout experience design, highlighting its pivotal role in driving tangible business outcomes.

Collaborative Development

As we began developing the base feature, numerous additional scenarios and requests were communicated from the team. Extensive ongoing discussions between the product owner, product manager, and developers were imperative. Considering that many of our main developers were located in India, we had to navigate the time difference as I collaborated with them. Completing this project required significant collaboration and rapid communication to address various additional requests for different scenarios within the checkout experience, all to meet the very tight development timeline and ensure a successful launch.

Successful Test: Driving Revenue Growth through Enhanced Checkout Experience

As we confirmed various scenarios, we initiated AB Testing to ensure the effectiveness of our new consumer experience. One of the pivotal new features aimed at enhancing user experience is the streamlined checkout process, which aims to reduce cart abandonment by simplifying the steps required to checkout. After a month of rigorous testing, we confidently approved our new design, noting a remarkable 4.02% increase in conversion rate, an actual revenue boost of $19K within 14 days, and a projected revenue increase of $367K over the next 12 months. This significant success not only validates our efforts but also provides compelling data to secure buy-ins from external stakeholders, further driving the success of our business.

2024 Q1 & Beyond: AB Testing Additional Key Features

In addition to spearheading the checkout experience AB testing, I collaborated closely with the CRO lead to drive our AB test strategy and mapping efforts. Notably, we've conducted a total of 13 tests thus far, with a winning rate of 73%. These tests have resulted in an actual revenue increase of $158K and a projected revenue of $2.77MM within just over 4 months of testing. To execute our vision, we forged a strategic partnership with an agency to implement and evaluate our designs. This collaborative endeavor underscores our commitment to optimizing user experiences and driving measurable business growth through data-driven experimentation.

Marmot - PDP Title, Stars, Price Placement

The goal of this test is to increase usability by creating a PDP design that places relevant and related information where it’s most beneficial to users while keeping scroll and viewport accessibility priority.

Phase 1: Image Gallery Pagination
Phase 2: Vital Purchase Information Placement
Phase 3: Swatch Field Design

Yankee Candle - Mega Menu Enhancement

We believe if we revamp Yankee’s mega menu to increase scanability and overall faster usability, we will reduce friction for users and allow them a more direct path to applicable product assortments.

Mobile Interface Update: Redesigned Categories and New Thumbnails for Featured Programs
Desktop Interface Update: Redesigned Categories and New Thumbnails for Featured Programs

Yankee Candle - Sticky ATC Bar on Desktop PDP

We believe if we increase the visibility and distinction of the Add to Cart bar on PDPs, we will provide an easier and more intuitive way for users to add items to their cart during their visit.

Desktop Interface Variations: Validate a full-width design with placement at either the bottom or the top

Graco - Product Details Section Redesign

We believe if we provide a more cohesive and strategic placement of the supporting Product Details sections, they will be interacted with at a higher rate and overall reduce real estate and scroll on PDP.

Mobile Interface Update: Optimize screen real estate by implementing a horizontal tab to neatly organize crucial details within the active commerce tile, enhanced by a highlighted background for improved UI clarity. Alternatively, consider a vertical template to effectively display all main categories for product details, thereby enhancing overall UI functionality.

Graco -BNPL Message Placement on PDP

We believe that by prominently displaying the BNPL (Buy Now, Pay Later) options on the product details page, we can provide consumers with clear visibility of their payment choices. This clarity is anticipated to lead to an increased click-through rate as more consumers proceed to add items to their carts.

Mobile Interface Update: Validate three variants to enhance the visibility of the BNPL (Buy Now, Pay Later) payment message on the mobile interface, ensuring it complements rather than competes with other priority information.

Yankee Candle: Virtual Wallet

We believe if we present users with the current promotions, and easy access to shop or apply those promotions, we will increase user engagement and  Add to Cart and Complete Order.

Mobile Interface Update: Add a clear virtual wallet at the top of the cart page and utilize the space for any additional promotions. The expanded default setting was the test winner.

Graco: Avg Star Rating Display

On the PDP if you click on the review starts it anchor links you down to the review section but it is not very intuitive to the consumer to click the stars.  Can we add some sort of copy or direction to let the consumer know they can quickly get to the review section (instead of a long scroll) if they click the stars?

We believe if we prioritize Average Star Rating and Customer Reviews on the PDP, users will find the information easier to leverage and, ultimately, impactful to their purchase decision.

Mobile Interface Update: Testing enhancements include a hover state modal that provides a summary of reviews with a direct link to the review section. Additionally, the review section has been repositioned higher on the page, closer to the order summary. For desktop versions, a side panel now slides in to offer quick access to all reviews.
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