Newell Brands
UX/UI Design

Marmot ELF Mini-Cart & Cart


Newell Brands


2021 Q1~Q2


Lead UX/UI Designer



Established in 1974, Marmot is a leading technical apparel and equipment brand renowned for its commitment to the outdoor community. As a standout performer within Newell Brands' portfolio of over 50 companies, Marmot has dedicated over 50 years to providing top-tier gear and apparel for outdoor enthusiasts of all skill levels. Recently, leveraging the successful implementation of the Experience Led Framework (ELF) for the Yankee Candle Product Listing Page (PLP) and Product Detail Page (PDP), we aimed to elevate the mini-cart and cart experience for Marmot. The design phase spanned two months, from initiation to final handoff, culminating in the first A/B testing phase. This entire cycle—from design inception through A/B testing and final implementation—took approximately one and a half years to successfully launch. This project exemplifies our commitment to enhancing user engagement and streamlining the online shopping experience at Marmot.

Strategic Approach in Project Management

In addition to leading the Marmot design project, which spanned approximately two months, I concurrently directed several other design initiatives related to the ELF project. Effective project management was essential for the successful completion of all design efforts, ensuring they were delivered in a timely manner to meet strategic business objectives. Collaboration was key, involving various teams including the product team, DTC, analytics, brand, and developers.From the outset, I established my own UX design timeline, which was shared with all teams at the official kickoff of the design phase. This UX-focused timeline provided a clear framework for all stakeholders, enabling me to maintain control over the project timeline through a UX lens, rather than being dictated by other teams' schedules. This approach not only allowed for thorough iteration through the design and product strategy cycles but also emphasized the importance of integrating project management into the overall design strategy.

The Opportunity via Various Research Strategies

In this project, we are advancing in parallel with various high-priority tickets, relying heavily on the UX team to identify opportunities through diverse research strategies. I initiated the project by assessing my design approach, which involved synthesizing multiple research insights to discover opportunities for enhancing the mini-cart and cart experience. This approach allowed me greater freedom to expand my creative design capabilities. I fondly recall this project as one of my favorites, enjoying every step of the process. The project not only provided me with true ownership of my work but also demonstrated how such ownership can lead to significant success.

A treasure map that leads to the treasure.

It's time to dissect the components and integrate them where they truly belong. Initially, I incorporated all the best features recommended by Baymard, by the way, I'm a certified Baymard professional. I then synthesized the major features that play crucial roles in forming the mini-cart and cart experience. Having successfully defined these elements, I proceeded to integrate all findings and insights from both competitive analysis and established best practices, considering additional relevant data insights as well. For each major feature, I compiled related research insights, ensuring a crystal-clear understanding of both the overarching concepts and the minute details. It's akin to a treasure map that leads to the treasure.

A treasure map that leads to the treasure.

After synthesizing all the data I gathered, I have formulated three main concepts. Each concept features a distinctive theme, offering its own unique solution. The first concept prioritizes efficiency, aiming to provide the quickest process from the mini-cart to the full cart. The second concept strikes a balance between minimalism and an adequate amount of content, ensuring a seamless transition to checkout. Lastly, the third version takes a more conservative approach, building upon the current baseline while integrating additional important features and attributes to enhance the standard mini-cart and cart experience. Then, we conducted user testing and held various stakeholder feedback sessions to select the best concept.

Selected Design

The final design seamlessly integrates essential features for both the mini-cart and cart, refining the user experience. With an enhanced hierarchy and persistent 'View Cart' call-to-action, navigating from mini-cart to checkout is effortless. Incentives like Marmot Rewards are spotlighted, and critical order details are readily accessible. Pricing intricacies are elegantly presented for clarity. These enhancements underscore our commitment to delivering an exceptional shopping journey.

AB Testing Validation

To further validate our approach, we conducted AB testing on a pivotal new feature: the collapsible/expandable sticky order summary at the bottom placement. The results were compelling, with the new design yielding a remarkable 43% increase in checkout button clicks, resulting in a $10k revenue uplift. Projected annually, this translates to an impressive $119k increase in revenue. The outcome underscores the substantial success of this enhancement.

Component Kits Handoff

During the handoff phase, I worked closely with developers in preparation of various scenarios for these brand-new designs, anticipating their scalability across the entirety of Newell DTC brands.

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